Just to give you the heads up on this festival in August.
I will be appearing on the Saturday in The Warehouse Arena and The Soul Casino Arena.
Vintage at Goodwood - 13, 14, 15 August 2010
DJ'S include Eddie Piller,Colin Curtis,Chris Hill, Chris Bangs, Snowboy, Bob Jones,Joey Negro,Greg Wilson etc etc
Full Details here it is updated daily !! http://www.vintageatgoodwood.com/home.aspx
"Vintage" is the first of what will be an annual music and fashion led celebration of creative British cool from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s. Featuring the leading DJs, bands, collectors, purveyors of vintage clothing and vintage vinyl from each decade, as well as contemporary bands inspired by Britain's rich cultural history.
Whether it's Swing, Rockabilly, Mod, Soul, Funk, Disco, Ska, Electro, Burlesque, Film or Art & Design that's your thing, whether you just want to dress up and get an authentic 'flat top' and make-over for a day, Vintage at Goodwood will be visual, responsible, aural and sensual, a big family dressing up box, a collectors dream and a joyous creative feast for all ages.
Vintage at Goodwood features an inspirational line up of world renowned DJ's, bands, collectors, purveyors of vintage clothing from each decade as well as contemporary bands and brands inspired by Britain's rich creative heritage. Vintage will explore the musical, design and cultural lineages and explore where they are taking us. Think of Vintage at Goodwood as the new annual Festival of Britain.
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